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Book 1 is available as an illustrated portable document file (PDF), an illustrated web page (HTML), or an unillustrated text-only file (TXT). You'll need a PDF reader to open the PDF version of the story, and you can download a free one here if you need to. The other stories are presently available only as web pages (HTML). There are plans to make them available as PDFs and text-only files, too, but that's for later development.
"Author's personal log, supplemental.

"This is the first of three unmonetized fictional stories based non-canonically on Star Trek ™, created by Gene Roddenberry. The series focuses on several factions in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and their struggle to maintain a working peace in the wake of the Dominion War (2373-2375 AD). This first story chronicles Starfleet Commodore Davir Benmata’s mission to help put down a True Way resurgence deep in Cardassian space in April 2380 AD. In doing so, he discovers an underlying plot involving planet-killing weapons and new elements in the Klingon Empire that threaten the Federation Alliance’s galactic designs.
"Computer, end log."
Michael Rosado
April 22, 2020
"Author's personal log, supplemental.

"This is the second of three unmonetized fictional stories based non-canonically on Star Trek ™, created by Gene Roddenberry. The series focuses on how the allied factions in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants struggle to maintain a working peace after the Dominion War (2373-2375 AD). This second installment of the Benmata Chronicles reveals how the return of Kahless’s bat’leth sparks a storm of unrest in Klingon society and the repercussions that has for the Federation Alliance. As K’Lira of House Trestian questions her own future, she finds herself in unwilling conflict with Chancellor Gowron, who’s being manipulated against her. With help from alien rogues, she must find a way to save her friend without bringing the Empire they both love to an inglorious end.
"Computer, end log."
Michael Rosado
October 26, 2022
"Author's personal log, supplemental.

"The third and final episode of the Benmata Chronicles is unplanned at this time.
"Computer, end log."
Michael Rosado
January 15, 2024
"Author's personal log, supplemental.

"Briefly, this story covers K'Lira's childhood through her forties. As a young girl, she grew up with a debilitating genetic disorder and overly protective parents. When she was a teenager, without her parents' foreknowledge, she sought out a Klingon geneticist who cured her by unexpectedly turning her into an augment. By ancient law, augments are pariahs in Klingon society; they have no rights and no honor. Desperate to avoid being an outcast, she swore her parents to secrecy and bravely resolved to prove that even augments could be honorable Klingons if they chose to be.
"She left her House to found House Trestian and wore prosthetic disguises to conceal her augment features from other Klingons even as she recruited them to her cause. Her augment nature and strong personality lending her new prowess as a warrior, she spent the next two decades traveling the outer fringes of the Empire, honing her skills, helping others in need, fighting lopsided battles, and most often succeeding where others had failed. Other warriors flocked to her House, and at its height, House Trestian was over 1,500 warriors strong with a capable fleet and K'Lira was a respected colonel in the Klingon Defense Force, but she never revealed the secret that she'd done it all as an augment.
"K'Lira's life reached an apex when the doctor who turned her into an augment suddenly returned to threaten her and her House by revealing her secret publicly. He was the only person (besides her parents) who knew she was an augment by his hand, and he wanted his fair share of her success. The time for secrets was passed, and her comeuppance had finally arrived. She rushed to the Great Hall on Qo'noS to preclude the doctor's ruinous revelation with her own confession. The doctor then arrived, and she fought him to his death to prove she was an honorable Klingon after all. Chancellor Gowron forgave her life-long lie and amended the law against augments, saving House Trestian and allowing K'Lira and other augments to be honorable citizens as long as they remained loyal to the Empire.
"This Benmata Chronicles backstory is planned but unwritten at this time.
"Computer, end log."
Michael Rosado
January 15, 2024
"Author's personal log, supplemental.

"Davir Benmata and Andrew G. Hunter are Starfleet officers and long-time friends. This is the story of how they initially met as cadets at Starfleet Academy. One of their instructors approaches them with the need to undertake a seemingly benign errand in the Chulan System for extra credit. However, things go awry when Dav and Hunter arrive planetside, and the young cadets eventually need to be rescued.
"This Benmata Chronicles backstory is a collaborative work that's being written at this time.
"Computer, end log."
Michael Rosado
January 15, 2024